Segregation in Baltimore
Download the packet of classroom materials: Segregation in Baltimore (pdf)
Antero Pietila author of "Not in My Neighborhood": Blockbusting techniques made developers rich in Baltimore
- "The Evolution of the Subprime Mortgage Market" - Souphala Chomsisengphet and Anthony Pennington-Cross, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 88(1), January/February 2006
- "Predatory Lending Practices" - website of the Association of Community Organization for Reform Now
"Mapping Racial Segregation in Baltimore City" - Alexandra Stein, senior thesis, Trinity College (Hartford, Connecticut), 2011
1910 Segregation Law
- "Baltimore Tries Drastic Plan of Segregation" - New York Times, 25 December 1910; at Sunday Magazine, December 2010
- "Apartheid Baltimore Style: the Residentail Segregation Ordinances of 1910-1913" - Garrett Power, Maryland Law Review 42.2, 1983
- "History of Baltimore’s racial segregation includes a hard look at newspapers’ role" - Antero Pietila (author of Not In My Neighborhood), Baltimore Brew, 15 March 2010
Within the past two years, Dave Armenti of the Maryland Historical Society has written three blog pieces about desegregation in Baltimore primarily using oral history interviews and historical newspaper archives. These posts are a little less dense and academic than the Berkowitz piece and can also give teachers a model for piecing together different primary source collections to investigate a local history topic. (Thanks to Dave for submitting these to share)
More Information About Segregation
In a 1999 study of segregation by Gary Orfield and John T. Jun as part of the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University, they argue that segregation in a Black or Latino community correlates to concentrated poverty. The same is not true for segregated White schools. They state in their executive summary:
Though we usually think of segregation in racial and ethnic terms, it’s important to also realize that the spreading segregation has a strong class component. When African-American and Latino students are segregated into schools where the majority of students are non-white, they are very likely to find themselves in schools where poverty is concentrated. This is of course not the case with segregated white students, whose majority-white schools almost always enroll high proportions of students from the middle class. This is a crucial difference, because concentrated poverty is linked to lower educational achievement.
Read the full report here.