Online Resources
Subject index
- "Point of Entry: Baltimore, the other Ellis Island" by William Connery
- "Immigration Era, Part I: Port of Pleasant Landings" (pdf) by Pennngton Parker, Baltimore City Historical Society, Spring 2004 (Quote: "The massive processing facilities in New York were constructed and operated by the federal government, while in Baltimore the immigrant trade was created and driven by the private sector.")
- "A Brief Economic History of Modern Baltimore" from Putting Baltimore's People First (2004), SEIU 1199 (hosted by Chicken Bones journal)
- "Physical Culture and the Neoliberal City" -(pdf) - slides from November 16, 2015, lecture given by Dr. David L. Andrews, University of Maryland Physical Cultural Studies Program
- Stories of Deindustrialization on the Marc Steiner Show
- Mill Stories -- oral history project @ UMBC
- "When Hard Work Doesn't Pay: Gender and the Urban Crisis in Baltimore, 1945-1985", PhD dissertation at Ohio State University by Jane A. Berger, 2007
Space & Place
- "The Struggle Over Place: Redeveloping American Can in Southeast Baltimore" (pdf) by Andrew Merrifield; Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series, Vol. 18, No. 1 (1993)
- "History and Nostalgia in Downtown Baltimore: The Camden Warehouse and the Pratt Street Power Plant from Original Construction to Adaptive Reuse" -- Masters' thesis in architectural history by Virginia Harness; University of Virginia, May 2014 (Quote from abstract: "As part of the late twentieth century phenomena of heritage tourism, developers largely left the exterior integrity of these buildings [the Camden Warehouse and Pratt Street power plant] intact the[n?] marketed them as links to the past. Ultimately, however, the extent to which these buildings offer visitors any substantial connection to their history, and the history of Baltimore, remains minimal."
- "Class, Community, and Materiality in a Blue-Collar Baltimore Neighborhood: An Archaeology of Hampden-Woodberry" PhD dissertation in anthropology and history by Robert C. Chichester, University of Michigan, 2009
- "New Homes, New Neighborhoods, New Schools: A Progress Report on the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program" by Lora Engdahl, Poverty & Race Research Action Council, October 2009 (ERIC)
- "Apartheid Baltimore style: The residential segregation ordinances of 1910-1913" by Garrett Power, 42 Maryland Law Review 289, 1983
General History
- Newsletter of the Baltimore City Historical Society
- Archives of the Maryland Historical Magazine, published by the Maryland Historical Society